Lợ ít của việc xem phim là nân cao trí tưỡng tượng, giảm bớt căn thẳng sau giờ học. Tác hại của việc xem phim là nếu xem lâu sẽ bị hư mắt và tốn thời giang
Little brackish of movies is the revenue position thought I, reduce the root straight after school. The harmful effects of the movies as if watching long will it take for Jiang and eye damage
Brackish less of the movie is high nân imagination, reduce tension after school. Drawbacks of the movie is if you watch long will damage the eyes and consuming Giang
The movie is less l high position n "n that directly target to reduce the influence of the movie after school is, if you look at the time and the time spent will be bad eyes, Jiang