kính gởi thầy giáo của Dũng Nguyển. chúng tôi xin phép thầy cho phép d được tiếp tục học sau thời gian anh ta đã vắng mặt vì bệnh đau bao tử+nôn ói .( từ 08/19 đến 08/30/2016)
dear teacher of Dung Nguyen.We seek permission scribes allowed d to continue studying after the time he was absent because of stomach pain + vomiting. (from 08/19-08/30/2017)honestly thanks.parents of Dung nguyen
glasses teacher posts verbatim. We ask teacher allows d be to continue education after time he was absent because of illness vomiting stomach +. (from 19/08 to 08/30/2016)