THE PRIME-------THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAMIndependence-freedom-happiness ---------------Number: 1883/CD-TTg Hanoi, on October 26, 2016 THE ELECTRICITYOn the IMPLEMENTATION of the WORK of PAROLE in 2016PRIME power: -Ministry of public security;-The Ministry of Defense;-The Ministry of information and communications;-President of the people's Committee of the province, the central cities. October 2016, the Parole Board issued the Guide number 325/HĐTVĐX on the implementation of decision No 2286/2016/QD-CTN October 2016 of the President about parole in 2016. To implement humanitarian policies, the clemency of the party and State for offenders and contributes to the implementation of the national programme of crime prevention achieved results, the Prime requirements:1. The Ministry of public security did a good function of permanent staff for the Special Advisory Council, urgently implement effectively the work of parole in 2016, ensure the transparency, the right people, the right standard rules of law, absolutely not to happen, the negative errors.2. The information and communication Ministry directed the news agencies, the press reported the decision of the President on the work of propaganda and parole in 2016 on the mass media in by PhraseFinder"> order to raise the awareness and responsibility of the departments, social organizations and the masses of the people deleting inferiority with respect to the parole and concern that Sue giúpđỡ they community.3. The ministries, the Agency stated in the guidance of parole Advisory Council actively thựchiện tasks are assigned.4. The President of the people's Committee in the province, the city of centrally directed the people's Committee for industry, the level of coordination with the Fatherland Front and mass unions made serious decision No. 2282/2016/QD-CTN October 2016 on parole in 2016 of the State President and the Guide number 325/HĐTVĐX October 25, 2016 Advisory Council parole. Namely:a) directs the Department of information and media works closely with the Board, the provincial party Committee propaganda Committee, the local press agency disseminating about parole work on the mass media.b) directed the Department of Justice, labour: invalids and Social Affairs, health and people's committees of all levels in the range of the function, its mission to provide full information, documents, certificates, endorsements and other necessary documents related to the recommended parole.c) directing the Government to coordinate with the Fatherland Front, the agencies, organizations, unions, local social organizations actively to effective implementation Decree No. 80/2010/ND-CP on January 16, 2011 the Government's measures to ensure the reintegration to the community Executive imprisonment sentence done , in which the parole. Continue monitoring, management, education, assistance, vocational training and job creation for the parole returned the community to delete, make honest food limited, re-offences and violate the law. For those that parole has a particularly difficult circumstances, the mobilization of industry, unions, social-economic organization concerned to help them make loans, settlement, community.d) directing the Director of provincial public security, in coordination with the departments, unions, social organizations in local implementation of the management, education and helping the parole; understand the situation, of the number of people on parole to reside locally, not so they affect national security and order, social safety, timely processing, strict people have behaviour re crime and violate the law.5. Delivery of Ministry of public security (Business Advisory Council parole) is responsible for tracking, aggregate and report the results of the implementation of The power-up Prime and parole Advisory Council. PRIME Kt. The DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER ZHANG PEACE Where to get:-As above;-Permanent Secretariat;-Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister;-The Commission of the National Assembly;-The Office of the President;-HĐTVĐX members;-Ministries, ministerial agencies, government agencies;-Central bodies of the unions;-Vietnam News Agency;-People;-Vietnam television station;-Radio voice of Vietnam;-VPCP: BTCN, the PCN, Assistant CEO, TTg, the Service Portal: TH, KTTH, v. i., V.III, KGVX, PL, QHQT;-Save: VT, NC (3b).Save trữGhi note kiếnFacebook EmailInMessage when VB has either expired
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