chào bạn, Vòng tuyển chọn diễn ra trong phòng kín, hạn chế người tham dự. Nếu bạn là bạn bè, người thân của thí sinh sẽ được vào phòng. Cảm ơn bạn đã quan tâm đến Shark Tank
Welcome, Selection round took place in secret, limiting attendees.If you are friends, relatives of contestants will be on defense.Thank you for your interest in the Shark Tank
hello, Round Selection takes place in a closed room, limited participants. If you are the friends and relatives of the contestants will be in the room. Thank you for your interest in Shark Tank
Hello, friend.Audition is in the room, limiting people to participate.If you are my friend, relatives of the players will enter the room.Thank you for your concern about the winner