4.3 Bên A sẽ thanh toán cho Bên B Phí dịch vụ bằng tiền mặt hoặc chuyển khoản vào tài khoản của Bên B với thông tin thanh toán như sau: Người thụ hưởng: ............................. Số tài khoản: ..................., Ngân Hàng Ngoại Thương Vietcombank - chi nhánh Đồng Nai
4.3 A Party will pay for the B-party service fees by cash or bank transfer to the account of Party B with the following payment information:Beneficiary:.............................Account number:..................., the Bank for foreign trade of Vietcombank Dong Nai branch
4.3 Party A will pay Party B service fee in cash or by transfer to the account of Party B with payment information as follows: Beneficiary: .............. ............... account number: ..................., Bank for Foreign Trade Vietcombank - Dong Nai branch
43 in A and B will pay the service fee in cash or transfer account information and B calculations are as follows:Beneficiary:... Of.........,..., account: Bank branch foreign trade vietcombank - Copper deer