cầu toàn, lý tưởng. Như người tu nhìn thấy bến giác, ông Tư quay hẳn đường lối suy tư, cho hợp lý, hợp tình, nhìn sự vật bằng con mắt thực tiễn hơn, chấp nhận sự vật có mặt trái, mặt phải, có tốt có xấu.
the bridge, ideal. As the tu see Ben, he Privately filmed exactly the way you think, reasonable, reasonably, looking at things with the eyes more practices, accept things have left hand, right hand, have well have bad.
perfectionist, ideal. As religious people see the dock senses, he turned completely Justice ways of thinking, for reasonable and partner, look at things with the eyes more realistic, accept things have downsides, the right, good with the bad.