Bữa tiệc diễn ra ở nhà tôi, ngày hôm đó tôi được ba mẹ chuẩn bị cho rất nhiều món ăn mà tôi thích, còn có cả bánh kem do mẹ làm nữa. Bạn bè thì giúp tôi trang trí nhà cửa và bày các món ăn ra.
The Party took place in my home, that day I was preparing parents for so many dishes that I liked, even by his mother for ice cream making. Friends help me decorate the House and dishes out.
The party took place at my house that day I was preparing for my parents so much food that I like, there was a cake made by her mother anymore. Help my friends, home decoration and presentation of the dishes.