bạn có thể chụp ảnh theo phong cách tôi đã gửi. bạn chụp với máy ảnh samsung VR . bạn cần chụp 2 lần ( hình ảnh sẽ rất đẹp) lần 2 : bạn quay máy samsung ( góc 90 độ) . sau đó bạn chụp
You can take pictures in the style I have posted.you shoot with camera samsung VR. you need to shoot 2 times (pictures will be very nice)2nd: you turn your samsung (90 degree angle). then you capture
you can take pictures in the style I sent. samsung camera you shoot with VR. you need to take 2 times (pictures will be very pretty) 2nd: you spin machine samsung (90 degrees). then you take
You can take my style.Samsung camera shoot friends and DER VR. You need two times (photos are pretty)Second: you crank Samsung (90 degree angle). Then you took it.