Ông Đặng Hùng cho biết, vào khoảng 8h30 sáng 26/8, khi ông đang đi xe máy trên quốc lộ thì bỗng nhiên nghe tiếng gió ầm ầm. Ông tưởng là gió bão chứ không nghĩ máy bay rơi.
Mr. Dang Hung said, at about 8.30 am 26/8, when he is to ride on the highway then suddenly heard wind roaring. He thought the wind storm and not think of the crash.
Dang Hung said, at about 8:30 am 26/8, while he was riding a motorbike on the highway, the wind suddenly heard rumbling. He thought the storm and not think of a crash.