+ Công ty chưa lập danh sách đóng bảo hiểm y tế cho 04 lao động nước ngoài đã ký HĐLĐ không xác định thời hạn theo quy định (Jeon Jung Suk, Juen Hyoung Seog, Lee Kang Woo, Su Jum Boon).
+ The company has not yet established a list of health insurance premiums for 10 foreign workers have signed the HĐLĐ does not define the term as prescribed (Jeon Jung Suk, Hyoung Lee, Seog Kang Woo Juen, Su Jum Boon).
+ Company has not established a list of health insurance premiums for 04 foreign workers have signed labor contract with indefinite term prescribed (Jeon Jung Suk, Seog Juen Hyoung Lee Kang Woo, Su Jum Boon).