chào Thanh , mình vừa kết thúc môn học anh văn ,còn Thanh? mình đang đi đến lớp học ,người vừa rồi là ai vậy? đó là Thành . mình mới quen anh ấy ở trung tâm ngoại ngữ anh ấy dến từ đâu
Hi, I just finished English subjects, also the bar?I'm going to class, who is who?that is Up. herself acquainted him in language CenterHe's visiting from anywhere.
hello Thanh, just finished his English subjects, and ADD? I'm going to class, the last person who is wrong? Members were. just met him in his language center where he is from
Hello, detective. I just finished my English course.I'm going to class. Who was that man just now?This is a. I know he's in the language center.Where he goes