Bên mình không làm theo hình dáng quý công ty gửi được ( do độ lồi lõm trên bề mặt gối là phải đổ khuông, bên mình là cắt bằng máy, tạo được đường cong nhưng không tạo độ lồi lõm trên 1 điểm)
His party did not follow the shape of your company (due to uneven levels on the surface of the pillow is to pour his cut with side, CSS layouts, create the curves but not created uneven levels on 1 point)
His party does not follow the shape of your company be sent (by protrusions on the surface of the pillow is to pour the staff, his side is cut by machine, creating curves, but do not create the indentation of 1 point)
In the form I do not do your company sent to (due to the convex surface is on the edge of the pillow, I am the machine, but do not create a curve on the point to create a bump)